"Listen to your life, see it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness. Touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life it self is grace."
-Fred Buchner

I was born to an American father from California and an Israeli mother in the multicultural holy land of Israel. I claimed my independence early in life, and made my home the beautiful northern mountain farmlands of Kibbutz Manarah and Misgav Am.
After serving in the Israeli military, I completed my Bachelor's Degree at Tel Hai college and had my share of travels in the Far East. Then in 2002, before committing to a four-year program at a University, I decided to visit my father in California. A few months later I found myself in NYC, falling in love with yoga, dance and bodywork!
Life sometimes happens in between the lines. Goals may change when you least expect it. Every moment is magical and grace is everywhere; it's up to us to keep the channels open so we can truly listen, partake and live life to its fullest.
In our strive for health, happiness, peace, contentment and unity, we need a practice to keep us grounded and focused on our goals yet flexible to the different rhythms of life. When we let that practice become our art, and plant the right intention, we become a moving prayer.

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